As the project reached its natural conclusion, useful materials have been published on the website.
First of all, we want to thank all the people actively contributed to fulfilment of the project.
Students, teachers, Young Educators, politicians, all the nationals staff.
Recognize & Change has reached its goals thanks to everyone was involved in the project.
As a result of a three year's work, a lot of outcomes are now avilable to all.
We invite you to visit the dedicated section of the website:
Here you will find:
- Toolkits: a collection of activities to build awareness on issues such as identity, discrimination and violence
- The manuals Project Handbook and On Violence against Women
- The Partners comparative research ( English, Italian, Portoghese, Spanish, Greek, French, Romanian, Bulgarian) and the Brazilian schools workshops report
- Good practices: Turin Guideline for an intercultural city, Pact of collaboration Turin, Local impact assessment R&C Bulgaria
So we hope that, thanks to our work, all of you can contribute to build a culture of trust.
Thanks and bye!